What is Prophetic Worship?

This article was taken from www.janemorin.com with permission.

1 Corinthians 12:28  And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

I’ve been asked this many times by people who do not understand prophetic worship, and by others how they can develop it in their lives.   Prophetic worship is simply to sing, speak or act under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  When one does such, it allows the character of God to come to light in us, and thus draws others to Him.   The fruit of such moments will reveal whether the Word that came forth is of the flesh or of the Spirit, meaning that is was divinely inspired.

This is not something that is meant only for the charismatic churches; (though this gift has more freedom to produce fruit in that environment) it is intended for the entire Body of Christ.  By the way, I do not attend what some of you would call a charismatic church, but I have led worship in many of them.  So, as I am traveling and leading “After His Heart” worship events, I use these opportunities to educate, inspire and help others recognize their own prophetic worship gifts. Let me say this...that prophetic worship is not mysterious in anyway.

John 4: 23 says, “But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship

The spirit is about what the Spirit is saying, and the truth is about what God’s Word says.  It comes down to three basic things one must know:

1. Prophetic worship is not soothsaying or fortune telling.   It is having a total dependence on the Word of God (knowing what He says) and being able to apply it when needed in your life.  It is also having a keen knowledge of what God is saying to others around you. This knowledge comes from the Lord.  It must always be backed up by His WORD.  So in short, if you are not in the WORD of God, your prophetic worship will produce no fruit in His kingdom.

2.  Prayer is the key in hearing God’s voice and His Spirit when moving in prophetic worship.  If you have no prayer life, how do you know His voice verses the enemy?  Prayer is our vital line of communication between us and our Heavenly Father.  If you do not pray regularly and desire to hear from the Lord, start now, He will give you the desire of your heart!

3.  If you believe God has called you into prophetic worship, practice prophetic worship. You can do this by surrounding yourself with people who do hear from God. When you sense God is speaking, speak or sing it out boldly, and let them judge your fruit.  Prophetic worship can be developed if you have the gift of prophecy. Revelation 19:10 says, “For the testimony of Jesus is in the spirit of prophecy.” Not all believers do, so do not beat your head against a brick wall because you desire it to be so!  Remember our passage above in 1 Corinthians, “....God has set some in the church….” not all.

I want to mention one more thing that is important if you desire to grow in your prophetic worship ministry. "Grow a thick skin." Many a prophet is persecuted and misunderstood by those who have deaf ears and eyes that cannot see what the Spirit is saying.  If you are easily offended, prophetic worship will never arise within you. You will never be able to walk in forgiveness, and you will second guess the Spirit of God by what you see in the flesh. Know that you know what God is saying and walk therefore in integrity, not allowing the devil an inroad to your ministry.

Prophetic Worship is nothing new, and some may even say it is unbiblical. I would have to agree that I have seen some use this gift inaccurately; as I have seen some abuse other spiritual gifts in the same manner. In every spiritual gift, there is a (fake) or a counterfeit created by the devil.  Be encouraged and do not be deceived brethren; if it is of God, no man will be able to stop what the Spirit is saying or revealing through you!

Jane Morin
Worship Leader, Songwriter and Speaker

This article was taken from www.janemorin.com with permission.


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