What Worship Is All About

Worship is the central part of God and heaven but is the most misunderstood part of human life. Someone once wrote if it’s a pattern of heaven then we should emulate it in our lives but when we look around creation in worshipping but man is walking with worship of self or desire to worship God but do not know why.

Worship isn’t just an idea, a person, or a thing it is a lifestyle that God has called us to leave. Genesis 1 speaks about the mandate of man multiply, subdue and fill the earth, I’m very curious person God wouldn’t just create us to make children, rule earth and then he has heaven full of multiplies angels, subduing all the three heaven and filling the galaxy and centering everything around worship.

Kingdom of God resembles all these mandate of man but they are wrapped around worship, we have received the mandate but we didn’t receive the core of the mandate, Worship “O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.” Psalms 51:15 

The phrase show forth means to declare, pronounce, herald, make known, testify, and speak out. God called us to worship him, to declare our love to Him, when you love someone you just don’t feel it and expect the other person to feel it. You declare, make it known that you love them. We were created to worship God, to show forth God.

Some people really struggle when you tell them that we were created to worship God. They ask question like was God fed up of angelic worship, some feel He is a God holding a lightning rod waiting to strike at anyone who does wrong. Angels are messengers and we are his children 

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that YE SHOULD SHOW FORTH THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO HATH CALLED YOU out of darkness into his marvelous light”, 1 Peter 2:9 We were made to become such a nation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people taken from darkness for the simple reason to just show forth that he is God. God took us from darkness so that we may worship Him.

Though we may not measure up to the standard of worship that angles give before the throne but still yet God says “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. Isaiah 43:21 God created us for him and the reason why we were created was that we may show forth our praise. Angels until today haven’t finished singing “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty”, they are still being dazzled by God.

As his children God wants us to worship Him so that we may spend time with him and as we show forth our love to Him with Him and He in turn responds but filling our lives with His Beauty and Love. God desires to be more like him and as we show forth his worship, He shines forth his love into our lives.

King David ended up saying “Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come. Psalms 71:18.

Father I Pray that you may teach me to worship you because one thing have I desire of you, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the presence of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold and bask in the beauty of the LORD, to enquire in his temple, to live my life filled with your love. Thank you for creating me to show forth your worship and loving me.

Question: What does the phrase the Presence of God mean to you?

Worship Him In The Beauty Of His Holiness


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