
Rending Our Hearts For Worship

" And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God", Joel 2:13  (KJV) This is a scripture spoken to Israel in a time when they had grown complacent,  became familiar with God & sin had filled their hearts. At a season where people where willing to show religion and not have a personal relationship with him, at a time when people would rather be seen religious (living the part) Rend your heart means to tear apart your heart, living in a  broken state, humbled state, a surrendered heart. We have to abase ourselves. We have to work on our humility...  What God looked for wasn't a show at this stage God looked for hearts that focused on Him, God was looking for exterior worship he was looking for depth in their worship.  Israel had come to a place where their hearts where cold and their actions and worship preceded out of the coldness of their hearts. How many people in the world including some in our churches are living such a life....

The Ignorant Worshipper Part 1

Every king has glory and honour is honored in a big way, Prince Charles or the Queen of England are honored in a certain way and if that’s the case why don’t we honour do the same and when we worship God, we see him as a friend and we honor Him ignorantly but He is King and Lord, the Lord who is in charge of armies and hosts. We don’t even honour Him like the way we honour and respect the Queen of England.   “ And those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was filled with guests. But when the king came in to behold the guests, he saw there a man who had not on a wedding-garment: and he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding-garment? And he was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth ”. Matthew 22:10-13. Being an ignorant worship...

The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About Part 2

Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, if we say we trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life. How many people in the world said they trust God but we forget it all when things get tough and hard on the journey to where God is taking us? We have gotten so used to being in charge at life, family, work, ministry and letting all that go in a world that speaks of having it all, does Trusting the Lord stand a chance in your life?    “I’m going to issue you a challenge, Why not put your whole life in God’s hands, Why not trust him fully. I challenge you to give him full clearance to lead your life –every area of your life –until the point he proves himself to be trustworthy. At that moment you can bail out but until then give God total control. I challenge you to push the throttle as far as you can push it and live your life wide open to God and see where his way takes you. I have a feeling you will never regret it”  This is a passag...

The Trust Challenge, Something To Think About..

Happy New Year Worshippers 2014 has started and it’s going to be an interesting year but you know as most people are on or have just finished a fast and people are seeking the face of the Lord in this season and it’s an important thing to do but my prayer is may we carry the very same heart as the 2014 curtains start closing. It’s easy to shout, sing and declare what the year will be and it’s not that easy to live everyday of it.    A couple of days ago I was listening to a song by KJ Scriven called “I Will Trust ” I started to think upon the song and I realized that a lot of the songs I love that are on my playlist have to do with trust. I realized that I love and I listen to a lot of songs about trusting in the Lord.  Trusting the Lord is not an easy thing, I haven’t even scratched a part of trusting the Lord, let alone have faith in God. I asked myself a question if I say I trust in God then why doesn’t God do what He wants in my life, if I trust Him ...

The Real Message of Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy and giving,.. do you know that the spirit of Christmas is WORSHIP? All those who came to meet Jesus WORSHIPED  ...Take a study from Luke 2:13-38  Christmas is all about CHRIST our Saviour Who came to this world to save us (John 3:16) but the world has crossed & deleted the word CHRIST and replaced it with an "X" and called it Xmas  ..Lets change this and say Merry Christmas

Leading A Diverse Congregation Of People.

The Diversity we are talking today is not of racial colour, ethnicity nor of culture we are talking of diversity of the reasons why we come to church.  Not everyone comes to church for the Lord, Not all of us are so super-duper spiritual we are all at different stages in life and our walk with the Saviour. Some come to chill out, nothing to do at home, some come to see friends, some are forced, some are facing challenges, some are just escaping life, some for the music alone, some for the word, some need that touch from God, some are just so hungry, some are burnt out and need rest and renewal, some need a semblance of Christ in their lives and just need to be identified with a religion.  A little confession goes a long way when I came to church whilst I was in my youth was because me and my friends were told that they was quite a number of nice girls and hence we went to church and now it’s a total different story. So here you are walking on the altar, sta...