7 Reasons Why We Should Worship God
Good Day Worshippers We have spoken about the reasons why we shouldn’t worship now lets focus on the thousand reasons why we should worship God. We were created to worship and bless the name of the Lord. All of us we worship God for different reasons, think about all the reasons why your family, church, organization or yourself the reason why you worship God. Looking into the manual of life, the bible what are some of the reasons the bible says we should worship God. 1. Worship God because He is God “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me” Exodus 20:3. The I AM THAT I AM, can’t we just worship Him for no reason. Do we have a reason to love our parents but the fact that they are our parents, they may be rich as Bill Gates or poor as a church mouse but we love them inspite of anything they are our parents. So can’t we just worship and love God for the simple fact that He is God. 2. ...