
The Priesthood of A Worshipper Part 2

Caution! The words in this article may offend some people, please take no offence it’s what the bible says and we are just interpreters. Looking at the lives of Old Testament who were sold out, lived their whole lives separated and living their live for the call of God. As you read this, God called you a priest whether you are a worship leader, singer or you don’t have the ability to sing but you are good at SMI (shower ministries international) or may term yourself an ordinary Christian. We are all called to worship, so we are all Priests after the order of the Lion of Judah . “Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long; they shall only poll their heads” Ezekiel 44:20 As you read this verse many will tell you that “God looks at the heart”, but reading these chapters of Ezekiel 44, worship is more than just having the  heart. The heart matters a lot in addition to the heart there is also presentation, there is dressing, consecration, our d...

The Priesthood of A Worshipper

L ooking at the lives of Old Testament who were sold out, lived their whole lives separated and living their live for the call of God. As you read this, God called you a priest whether you are a worship leader, singer or you don’t have the ability to sing but you are good at SMI (shower ministries international) or may term yourself an ordinary Christian. We are all called to worship, so we are all Priests after the order of the Lion of Judah . Caution! The topics and views in this article may offend some people, please take no offence it’s what the bible says and we are just interpreters. Email me what you think about some of these topics. So we are going to be looking at how priest lived their lives, what stipulations did they have to lie by, also their workings and this would give us place for us to understand what God wants our lives to be lived as. We are looking in the book of Ezekiel 44 were God is restoring the priestly order of its position as thy are coming from exi...

All Night of Worship

Good Day Worshippers  All Invited to an All Night of Worship Come and Worship With Us on the 11. 11. 2011 a strong day that we need to Lift Up God on such a day that will never come again these next 100yrs. Venue is His Presence Ministries Harare Zimbabwe  Worship Him in The Beauty of His Holiness 

7 Reasons Why We Should Worship God

Good Day Worshippers We have spoken about the reasons why we shouldn’t worship now lets focus on the thousand reasons why we should worship God. We were created to worship and bless the name of the Lord. All of us we worship God for different reasons, think about all the reasons why your family, church, organization or yourself the reason why you worship God. Looking into the manual of life, the bible what are some of the reasons the bible says we should worship God.   1.       Worship God because He is God   “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me” Exodus 20:3. The I AM THAT I AM, can’t we just worship Him for no reason. Do we have a reason to love our parents but the fact that they are our parents, they may be rich as Bill Gates or poor as a church mouse but we love them inspite of anything they are our parents. So can’t we just worship and love God for the simple fact that He is God. 2. ...

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Worship

Good Day Worshippers  Our lives we were created to worship and we have learnt for some people to worship automatically, some to be cranked up some have to be asked to worship otherwise we wouldn’t even think of lifting up out lives for worship. I have said the simplest definition of worship is giving God glory and nowadays people worship because of crazy reasons. Ask this question as see the reasons why they worship and you will see how people hearts have been conditioned either to the good or bad. The first mention of the worship in Genesis 22 its meaning was not a song or anything but spoke of OBEDIENCE, SUBMISSION AND FAITH. Think upon this as we go through this article. So let’s talk of the 7 Reasons why we should worship and remember it’s not just the heart but the attitude and why we are doing it hey Breakthrough, lots of people worship because they are looking for breakthrough. Their reason is let me worship so that God may get me that break...

Reason Why We Worship

People never think of this Why was I created? We don’t know and we do not care to understand why. The bible tells us the reasons why we were created and how we were created by God. Genesis tells us that we “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion”. Gen 1:28 but in the bible do we not find any other purpose than worship which is a command from God wished it had been made part of the 10 Commandments. “The people which I formed (to form, fashioned, framed) for myself, that they might set forth (to count, recount, relate, show forth, declare, herald) my praise”, Isaiah 43:21. We were created to praise the Lord, God fashioned and made mankind to worship not because He is self seeking, self conceited or egotistic God who has a low self esteem. Think of it then and ask yourself why does God require our worship? When Lucifer was cast down from heaven he was the chief worship leader in hea...

What Worship Is and Isn’t

This week’s post is based on a song sung by Travis Greene on his album “Stretching Out” called “All the Glory” for days I listened to no other song only this specific song. I know it the song and also the lyrics they explained a lot of things about worship and I know it will reveal a lot to you as well, study them and I know you will get learn truth about Worship as well. Verse 1 These hands were made to stretch for you This heart you gave me is in love with you My mouth was made to sing for you So I am going to sing to you a new song These feet were made to chase after you This mind you gave me is in awe in you My life was made to live for you So I will live for you Vamp My worship is pure it belongs to you Lord You are the One I adore Your love is to die for So I will worship Chorus With my hands lifted Eye to the sky And my mouth shouting loud Open up wide Verse 2 These ears were made to hear yr voice Freewill you gave me but...

Prepared to Meet Him, Be Prepared to Worship

Prepared to Meet Him, Be Prepared to Worship “Success is when opportunity meets preparedness”, I have realized this is true for worship as well, those that meet with God are the prepared ones. During the time of the exodus of the Israelites in wilderness every time they were told by Moses that God was coming to meet with them, they prepared themselves in Exodus 19:10-11 “And Jehovah said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to-day and to-morrow, and let them wash their garments , and be ready against the third day; for the third day Jehovah will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai”. The bible uses the word “sanctify” which means appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate, defile, hallow, holy keep, prepare, proclaim and purify. Those that meet the Maker are the prepared or sanctified ones, some will also say there is grace but when you think about it, when we live our lives in sin and we then expect grace to kick in the last minute because...

An Old Story About Worship

There was a child in a certain country and he got born again and with time God’s call grew so strong upon this now 14 year old about worship. He had an encounter with Jesus and the words that Jesus kept repeating to this young man were about worship, worship me’ Jesus said His words to the young man were all about worship. In the morning he started the biggest search of his life, he started with his school teacher, school dean, parents and even scheduled a meeting with the pastor on the weekend. At the end of it all he was not satisfied and one day sitting in the library he found an old brown tattered book at the back of the shelf and he started too read the book which started on page 14 and started to talk about words that are used in worship such a hallelujah, amen, maranatha, hosanna. When I found the story I just knew I had to share what that book spoke about and here it goes, it explained it word in detail and its origins. Hallelujah Is a worship expression which means “P...

Worshipping Without Songs or Instruments or a Dance

For a whole two years we have been learning that worship is all about glorifying God, bringing honour, magnifying God. Worship means to honor God, respect God, to exalt God, to serve, to bless God, to prostrate, to sacrifice or give, to be in submission, to bow down and also to adore. Worship is all about glorifying God that is the simplest definition we can put, but we have seen as well that singing is a form of worship. Singing, dancing and playing instruments is a form of expressing our worship to God.   It is not the whole worship but a form, a way to express our worship to God. In the body of Christ today people believe that the 3 praise and 3 worship songs we sing along on a Sunday service is worship. We are satisfied with just 30 minutes of singing along 6 songs and we say that is worship. Think about this a day has 24 hours and a week has 168 hours, so for the 168 hours in our week we only worship for 30 minutes a week. What will we be giving God for the rest of ...

Worship is Dangerous Business Part 2

Think about how do you worship a great and mighty God with such prejudice and ignorance and still expect God to bless you. Worship is indeed dangerous business when offered done wrongly. God has set principles and laws that even He can not break whatever happens, God bless good and when you do wrong, you are forgiven by God but He will allow you to face the consequences of your action. We can’t just do what we feel like and worship him with such pretentious hearts, foul motives, believing we have the right attitude and still expect God to bless us. “And Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord when they offered strange fire before the Lord in the wilderness of Sinai”, Number 3:4 (KJV). Look at it this way these were sons of Aaron, the priest of the highest order at this time but they died before the presence of God because they offered strange worship, either they offered out of ignorance, out of knowing, out of testing God but still they died because they ministered to God the wrong wa...

Worship is Dangerous Business! Part 1

Not everyone will tell you this but Worship is Dangerous Business! Think about how do you worship a great and mighty God with such prejudice and ignorance and still expect God to bless you? How do you stand before a great God drunk and lead worship, how do you stand before Lord of vastness and offer him half baked worship and expect Him to bless you? If you do it the right way, you will be blessed, however, if you do it the wrong way, you will be cursed though God requires not to because God hates the sin not the sinner. How dangerous is that? Its not who you are but it is what you do that makes it dangerous business. Look at Miriam she thought she was doing good keeping the law by speaking against Moses’ wife but in actual fact she was struck with leprosy for doing what speaking against the man of God of which she thought it was right before God’s eyes. How many things did you assume that this is the way God wants us worship Him as such. Very much so often we are like David wh...

Worship Equation

In the bible there are few equations (promises) of God that he pronounces such as a +b = c. Today we are doing one. One such verse knocked my socks away and I know it will knock yours away too. “Behold your house is left unto desolate and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me until the time come when you will shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” Luke 13:35. These were the words of Jesus to the generation of Jews present on the day. So the equation is: Your Worship + Your Declaration = Manifestation of God It’s so simple most of us cry all night long wanting God to come into our lives and change our systems. All you need to do is just stand worshipping God, with a pure heart and declaring that He is God in your life and God will manifest. God does not stay were He is not accepted and where he is asked to dwell he honours it, by abiding there. Until we acknowledge God, until we bless God, until we magnify God, until we worship God, until we glorify god, we...

10 Worship Quotes

Worship is way beyond what we understand or comprehend I pray that God open our eyes to see and understand worship through his eyes 1. “You may bow down in the physical but in your heart you will be standing straight”. Bowing is an expression of what the heart is like, most people think if they bow even with the heart they are worshipping. If worship is done without a heart it becomes a ritual not worship. Bowing before is an expression of the overflow of where your spirit is 2. “Praise isn’t for whimps because its aim is to get Jesus involved in your business”. “When I am lifted up I will draw all man unto me” or “I dwell in the midst of the praises of my people”. When you worship God you summon Him to show up in your life, when offered aright worship attracts God’s attention more than anything” 3. “Worship is not just the heart but attitude, character and service offered to God”. We think if we can say God here is my heart and look aside and we think G...

Power of Lifting Hands in Worship

Some people have attacked me saying we are not supposed to dance, clap lift our hands and bowing is meant for prayer not worship and also other expressions that people use when they worship. I have written this article and I pray that they might understand the power of the lifting hands and its effect. “I will, therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” 1Timothy 2:8 Our hands reading from 1Timothy the Apostle Paul accords that our hands are holy, holy means that they are sacred, sanctified and set apart this is the basic dictionary meaning of holy. Is there power in lifting up holy hands to a Holy God? Think about it. God’s holiness confounds evil and so when we lift up our hands we are coming against evil in all its work against us. The power is released when we lifting up holy hands. “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully” Psalms 24:4. David spoke that our...