
The Clearing Effect, Its Caused by Worship

Good Day Worshippers Worship clears, removes and creates a pathway for us to enter into the presence of God. Worship was created as a vehicle to carry us into the presence of God and not for us to worship! The worship but to get us into God’s presence. Worship clears our mind and heart and prepares us for an encounter with God.   Our hearts are like fallow ground and worship acts like the water which saturates the ground or a tractor or plough that prepares the ground for seed. Worship allows us to prepare our lives for us to meet and commune with out father. Worship allows us to refocus and look to God more and more and look less and less from ourselves. Worship clears the way, worship is a spiritual thing and the devil does not like worship at all and he throws so many obstacles and stones on our pathways for us not to worship or distort the worship we give. When we just prostrate our hear...

Hmmmn!!!! The Presence Of God and Worship.

Good Day Worshippers If we do not see God working in your lives it’s because we are not worshipping aright. We understand that God seats upon the throne and according to Isaiah’s and Ezekiel’s account of his meeting with God … “I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple… And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke”, Isaiah 6: 1-4 “And above the expanse that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone; and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. And I saw as the look of glowing brass, as the appearance of fire, within it round about; from the appearance of his loins and upward, and from the appearance of his loins and downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness ro...

When We Worship We Empty It Out To God

Good Day Worshippers How many times have you come into the presence of God filled with filth, dirt, huge dark black cloud hanging over you and you are so down but then you worship  God because he is God you allow him a place o move in your life. Such worship by the time you finish worshipping God you feel very light without a burden and free than the way you came. What would have happened is what one man called the beautiful exchange, God took that which weighed you down and replaced it with his beautiful things. We Worship God because we empty out that which weighs us down and God will replace it with His goodness. It is when you worship out of the overflow of your heart that God touches our hearts and lives in a deeper way it is because we have allowed him to be such to us. Worship allows us to empty out that which we carry and it be replaced with the love and presence of God. It is when we leave ou...

Our Response To God Is To Worship

Worship is our grateful and humble response to God, when patriarchs in the bible had an encounter with God their first response of God was to quickly move to worship God as their response. Think about it how do you respond always, when you meet God. “We naturally respond to what we value to the most, Worship is our response to God” “When the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the door of the tent they would rise up and worship every men at his tent door”. Read Exodus 33:10, Exodus 34:8, Judges 7:15. The first thing they would do when hearing the words of God they would bow down or rent their clothes or bow down with their faces to the ground or kneel before God or stand in awe because for them worship was a response they had towards God. Worship is our response both personal and corporately to God. Worship to us is like a reflex action you know how a reflex muscle works and to the people ...

Magnifying God What Does It Mean?

Good Day Worshippers When you lift up your hands and sing a song like God I magnify your name, do you understand what it means. Today we are going to learn what it means to magnify God. "Oh magnify Jehovah with me, and let us exalt his name together". Psalms 34:3 "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving". Psalms 69:30 "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord". Luke 1:46 Magnify means (a) Increase in size, volume or significance (b) To enlarge beyond bounds (c) amplify When we speak about magnifying God we will be saying God be made bigger in my heart and Spirit, you get to see God in a greater manner because you are allowing Him into our heart with a reason and a willingness. Worship is all about Him and Him alone because He is God and that He is worthy to be God. God does not increase in size when we magnify Him, God is already big and God is everywhere and is that not being big already, Isaiah ...


Good Day Worshippers This is the yaer where God Takes us into another dimension of worship and its happening here and right now can. I even started thei year by reading the Book by Darlene Zschech called Extravagant Worshipper, guys we should read it. This year I am making sure that I post twice a week and so you will have to ctach up with me we are also going to be a doing discussions which are going to be done in an amazing way and you do want to miss out on all the learning and growing that we shall have this year. The most important thing we need to work on is that we should all then be a pert of the growth and grow together.So get involved, be a  part of eveything and let us grow together We are going to be having an amazing year Blesses 2011 Worship Him in The Beauty Of Holiness    

Wow! God Is enthroned On Our Praise

Good Day Worshippers Our God moves not alone, God lives not alone. God seats on his throne and is surrounded by His presence, glory, power and the angelic. The one thing that attracts God’s attention is the worship that comes from earth, Noah offered a sacrificed that the bible says that God smelt the offering of Noah and made a covenant with Noah. So how does God dwell and be enthroned in the praises.  “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest (enthroned) the praises of Israel ”. Psalms 22:3  So if you worship God rightfully God descends and is enthroned upon the praises of his people. You know what enthroned means, it means that you place on a crown or it means also to place on a throne. So when you enthrone God with your praises, It is like you are re-enacting the crowing of a king again. You are telling him that He is the Kings of Kings, crowning Him God again. So God is made king by our worship. Jesus in John 12:28 “Father, glorify thy name. Then came t...

Do They Mix! Holiness and Worship?

Good Day Worshippers When we say that god is Holy what do we mean, Holy means being set apart, sacred, hallowed, it means purity, Godliness and also means absolute perfection. There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2 Being holy is facet or an attribute of God, but it carries a lot of who God is, God is hallowed, God is sacred, God is pure (unstained) and God is full of perfection absolute perfection. That is Holy, Look at the verse in 1 Samuel 2:2 God is Holy and there is no other God on earth and heaven who can be or is like him, or even gods which are worshipped by men. Then He comes down to mankind and he says in Leviticus 11:44 “For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy”. Again in Leviticus 19:2 he speaks “Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy”. So God wants us to be Holy as he is Holy. So then what does it mean to be Hol...

Worship is a Priviliegde To Mankind

Though worship is a command and we were created to worship, I believe that worship is a privilege to mankind as we tend to receive more in worship because man is more blessed by just worshipping God. “Being blessed is a by product of worship not a motivation to worship” “Worship is our giving to God not our getting from God” “Worship is an invitation from God and a blessing to us a great privilege to man” Philippians 3:3 says “For we are the true circumcision who worship in Spirit (worship God by his spirit) and glory in Christ putting no confidence in flesh”. We worship with the Help of Christ according to the verse of Philippians we worship through the Help of Christ. Romans 8:26 says also “Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our infirmities for we do not know how to worship (pray) but the Holy Spirit itself makes intercession for us…” God here teaches us that the Holy Spirit helps us in our worship, when we lift up our hand...

Are You Sure Worship Is A Sacrifice

Someone asked is worship truly a sacrifice; I told her that worship is indeed a sacrifice and is also one of the reasons why we worship God and I went on ahead to relate to this article.  “The sacrifice to God is a broken and contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise” Psalms 51:7  Worship is a sacrifice, it has an aroma, a sacrifice has a scent, men today wear a perfume which goes before them and when they leave their perfume, aroma or sacrifice stay behind and also follows them. So is it with worship.  The scent of worship is what attracts God’s attention to you. Worship has a perfume, It has an aroma, a scent that goes before you and allows you to enter His presence and meet Him face to face. Genesis 8:20-22 Noah built an altar of God, our hearts are altars of God and Noah sacrificed what the bible proclaims to be a “clean animal”. Worship should be done by a clean hands and a pure heart just like Psalms 57 say “Who shall stand on the Holy Hill only He that ...

Because He is Worthy, We Worship Him

The question we have been dealing with, in these past few weeks is why we worship God, what is the reason for that which we do worship and today we continue with this question expounding it. We worship God because he is worthy of all praise. “I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised” Psalms 18:3 “He is our praise He is our God” Deuteronomy 10:21 Worthy means  (a) having worth or merit or value;                                 (b) Having qualities or abilities that merit recognition God is already worthy and mighty, that is one thing that is not going to change and there is nothing we can do about it. We worship God to tell him who He is, not that we worship because He has blessed us but that He is worthy. It’s not like God does not have creation to praise Him but we were created for ...

Worship! The Heart Issue

It is in the brokenness of Life that we get to meet God, the meeting ground for God is a broken, dry, thirsty, contrite hearts of people. Look at every man of God in the Bible who made a long lasting impact, they were just living their lives in a state of awe, reverence, respect and brokenness and that is why God met with them. Everyone who worship, desires to meet up with God to see him face to face. Looking at David the sinner, womanizer and killer but God accorded him to be a man after his own heart. It was because he was broken inside and this is what He wrote. "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me... The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despi...

Worship! Is It An Alabaster Flask or An Rose

Worship is an amazing place to live in it is a different world to the world we live in, it is because worship allows us to get more and more like God when we spend more time with him. It allows us to know God more. So today the question that I pose is Worship more like an alabaster flask or a rose think about it! An alabaster flask is a clay jar that was used to carry oil or perfume but this alabaster flask was crafted by the best craftsmen it was very expensive to buy and so they also started to carry expensive oil or perfume in it. A harlot in the bible came with this alabaster flask before Jesus and poured it on Jesus feet and Judas was not impressed with it. There was only one way to open the alabaster flask it was by breaking the top or the lead and then it would be kept like that. This alabaster flask was very expensive the bible records it to be a year’s earning that were used to buy a jar. A Rose is the most beautiful and ...

Misguided Worship Can You Handle It?

Worshippers Worshippers Misguided worship can you handle, if you cannot handle yourself when someone does not thank you for that which you did, what makes you think God can handle it when you offer misguided worship? Just as you get pissed off when men neglect you and abuse you, don’t you think God deserves better treatment than we have given? We have offered misguided worship, worship without direction and full of the wrong roots. Think about it, how many times when you have offered the Creator misguided worship. Misguided means poorly conceived or thought out or wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment this is a dictionary meaning. So misguided worship for example is when you offer God the best of your worship so that he can give He can bless you, that is arm twisting God’s hand basically misguided worship. Misguided worship is when you worship God with wrong motives. Misguided is when you offer worship in the wrong manner, way and some people may get offended when I add this ...

Thirsty For Worship

Good Day Worshippers In the passage we will read below David had a desire 2 Chronicles 11: 17-18 David thirsted for the water of the well in Jerusalem, it is the same cry that God has today for his creation. God desires and thirsts for our worship. Can you hear the cry; Oh! That man would give me worship from the well of their hearts. God is not an arrogant, egomaniac, demander and all names we may call him, God is a God, God is worthy our worship and Chronicles say “give unto God worth DUE to his name”. It is because we have been scarce in his presence and he desires to meet us. He desires that we might know him and he would want us to spend time with Him and be more like him as he says “Be Holy as I am Holy”. We no longer have time for God because of our busy schedules, work routines, double shifts, schooling, making money matters, problems and too much entertainment has destroyed our lives that we no longer have time for God anytime we have to find extra time for us to ...

Worshipping God In The Midst Of Battles

Good Day Worshippers Psalms 23 speaks that God will prepare for you a table in the midst of our enemies and battle raging all around us. Being a Christian means signing up for battles, battles with your mind, problems, situation and forces before your life. Paul and Silas had a battle to fight in their lives when they there where thrown into prison. Take a note of this 1. They were thrown into the prison 2. They were thrown into the inner cell 3. They were guarded with sentries by the door 4. They were placed in chains called stocks on their legs Here was a battle they had just delivered a girl from being held by a demon and now there they are being thrown into prison because of Good deed they had done. It was a battle and war to stay in peace and right thinking some of us in that place, they could have questioned God why us and why why why. We have just delivered your daughter from the stronghold of Satan, this was their war. In Acts 16:25 “But about midni...

Worship! An Attitude of the Heart and Spirit

This article today is on one of the reason we found in our series on the reasons why we worship God. So here it goes Worship is an attitude of the heart and spirit “God is not moved by the expression we do in worship, God is more interested by the heart behind the worship” “Worship is not all about you and your needs” “Worship is a state and attitude of both heart and spirit” When our hearts and spirit are broken, contrite, and full of adoration we learn to worship from the depths of our lives and God is pleased by such worship. Man was created for worship it is the first thing you subconsciously or consciously just like we were taught to say thank you. When we kneel, clap, sing, jump and kneel are all expressions which the heart is emoting. Worship starts from the heart, worship is about the heart and then the heart expresses this emotion by kneeling, singing, jumping and all sorts of expressions. They are all expressions of the overflow of our hearts to the love o...

So You Worship Because You Seek Revelation of Who He Is.

Good Day Worshipers Think about it you worship God because you seek revelation is that wrong we say NO. “We cannot truly worship God and remain unchanged” Geoff Bullock “Worship God with revelation, worship without revelation is dull”, Matt Redman God is shrouded in mystery and the only way to get this revelation is by worship. When we worship God with all earnestness and from deep within the recesses of our hearts, we are guaranteed of a meeting with God face to face, it is such worship that will help you to get a hold of God seeing him it is because God manifest himself where he is properly worshipped. The first day of existence for the 24 elders and heavenly host, from the moment they started to worship they had an idea just like the first day you worshipped God when you gave your life to God. It is the more they worshipped that God revealed himself more to them but it was because the worship they offered. Today they will see a di...

Is That the Reason You Worship Him Because He is Just God

Good Day  We are learning the reasons why we worship God and we find out that they are lot of them and today we are learning one more reason why we worship God. “Ascribe to the Lord Glory due to your name. Worship Him in Holy array”. Psalms 29:2 “Ascribe the Glory that is due his name” 1 Chronicles 16:29 “The Lord is the only object or reason for worship”. Unknown Man always looks for a reason why do I do this and what is the use of us doing this. We have just have to learn to worship God with the simple reason that he is God alone, Holy, Mighty. Most of the times men worship God when God has done something in their lives its their reason for worshipping God because He has done something for them or they want something form God. “And he said, blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel”, 1Ki 8:15 this was Solomon’s words as he offered an offering of 1000 bulls before God. People in the Old Testament sacrificed many animals and God was moved by the heart behind the sacrif...